Monday, October 25, 2010


I’m amazed that there are some in this country who think we should turn our back on what was and make a new start. Those who say the old ways no longer are viable or useful should look in the mirror when they say such rubbish. How can they say it will not work when its principles have not been tried for a century? We need to rid ourselves of the belief that liberals have a new and better way to move us forward. They want division, and foist derision on those who speak out against this madness they want us to support. When Paul Krugman says Obama didn’t spend enough, I just want to shove his Nobel prize right up his USB port. You liberals are seeing your last days here in America as a power or influence. The people, seeing the extreme incompetence and policies of the Obama administration, will no longer sit idle as they destroy the very fabric we were cut from. Bill Minnich is a mad man destined to burn in hell for his antics. His ilk need to be silenced as a source for ideas or power. They serve only themselves and have no interest in country or victory in conflict. Be gone….

Oh and speaking of Bill, here we have one of his very favorite people. Rep. Barney Frank


Teresa said...

Paul Krugman must be nuts to think that. I think you have a great idea for a wakeup call for him. We will continue to be vigilant after the election and fight against these socialist policies. Liberals are so selfish and amoral. We do indeed need to stop their radical agendas.

Eric Graff said...

Thank you for stopping by. I've been thinking about you and your situation and am praying things are going great, if not better for you and you better 1/2.

Killer add I think. One of the best this time around...