Thursday, July 23, 2009


Senator Charles Grassley revealed the Obama administration might be more worried than they are letting on that a Republican senator's comparison of the healthcare overhaul to Waterloo might be dangerously close to the truth. If anyone had any doubt that Barack Obama’s nationalized health care isn’t about him, then you haven’t been listening to the lies. His statement yesterday was “It’s not about me”

From the National Journal: "A telling episode recounted by Senate Finance ranking member Charles Grassley reveals the Obama administration might be more worried than they are letting on that a Republican senator's comparison of the healthcare overhaul to Waterloo might be dangerously close to the truth. Grassley said he spoke with a Democratic House member last week who shared Obama's bleak reaction during a private meeting to reports that some factions of House Democrats were lining up to stall or even take down the overhaul unless leaders made major changes.

"'Let's just lay everything on the table,' Grassley said. “A Democrat congressman last week told me after a conversation with the president that the president had trouble in the House of Representatives, and it wasn't going to pass if there weren't some changes made ... and the president says, 'You're going to destroy my presidency.'" The president told a Democrat member of the house, "You're going to destroy my presidency."

I thought this wasn't about him. I thought this was about us! I thought this was about us and our precious health care. No, it’s not. It's ALL about him. He's worried about his presidency being destroyed. So all DeMint did was say this could be his Waterloo. Obama agrees with him and recoils when DeMint says this. He can't handle criticism. He's never been criticized, substantively, not without consequences for those who dare to do it. Do you remember back on the campaign trail when Maureen Dowd made some comment about his elephant ears during the campaign, and he walked down off the stage and confronted her? He said, "I'm very, very sensitive about my ears," and she said, "We're just trying to toughen you up!"

Bottom line: The longer nationalized healthcare is debated, the worse it looks and the longer interested parties, with cash to burn, will put adds out showing people what it’s really like “over there”. Socialized medicine takes incentive out of the doctor’s duty and no one knows if the government will allow them to get the care they need.

If this plan is so great, why don’t lawmakers themselves have to use it? They give themselves choices and leave you with the scraps from the table.

Time to pounce with every ounce we have. Kill the beast. This idea…This President, MUST NOT succeed.

Waterloo… Couldn’t escape if I wanted to….


Anonymous said...

"Kill the beast"

You've said it all right thee. Start piling on now that they've stumbled.

Teresa said...

Great article!! Obama is the narcissist-in-Chief. Usually when a person states its not about me, he's actually thinking the opposite, especially a liar like Obama. ALL members in Congress should be required to take adopt the public-option if its really that good for all citizens.

Eric Graff said...

Thats right Teresa.. If this is such a great plan why is congress exempt? great point! Thank you both for visiting and lead on friends!!