I have two people who have come here to this page and they have never been wrong. They say the sky is orange, it is. They say the world is a cube… It is. They declare they are correct when words come from their lips and can never be challenged or mistaken.
Diogenes is one such afflicted creature. He has no blog of his own. He makes wild claims and when truth is placed before him he reacts predictably: He either kicks it out of the way or walks around it so it has no real meaning to him.
Nameless Cynic (Bill) is another, but in this case he has a blog and a lap dog who I spoke of in the previous paragraph. Bill is a veteran who despises anything moral or anything claiming to be moral or normal in HIS eyes. He loves gays, hates conservatives, he loves Obama, hates Republicans, he loves Muslims, hates Christians, He embraces socialism, despises America. He lives in the U.S. but longs for anything other than the home of the brave. So instead of moving, he works to change it. When challenged he will not stay on subject. Instead he will attack you and your beliefs. A man asks Obama a question (Joe the plumber) and the man is labeled a gay tax evading wife beater.
I will never be able to understand the thought process of people like Bill and Diogenes. They believe America is wrong. They think our best days are behind us. They think Obama is doing all the right things, when in fact he is doing all the left things. Bill would have us think government is the answer to all that’s wrong in America. Diogenes thinks healthcare is a right. How dubious is that? The entitlement mentality these two people display reflect a large portion of the populous and exhibit a real lack of personal responsibility. They think those who have succeeded and are prospering owe them part of their resources which in no way they have earned. They believe they are entitled to live like the wealthy without the effort or sacrifice the prosperous have made. This is not America. Banks, corporations and individuals who have not operated within their means should reorganize, be bought out or file for bankruptcy. But in their world, America pays their mortgages and covers their debit without reprisal. That’s Obama’s new math.
In no way does this resemble America. The American dream is earned, not bestowed.
To be fare, Bill responded to my post “Prove Me Wrong And I Will Never Blog Again”. He responded to my question, “When was our military at it’s worst?”
I will quote him. He said, “Actually, I'd have to say Abu Ghraib. But maybe that's just me.”
Oh yes, that terrible chapter in this Iraqi wars’ history where we made terrorists make human pyramids. We made them disrobe and took pictures of it all and disgraced the great name of America so blatantly. Dogs barked at the terrorists. They were possibly even water-boarded. This was a terrible thing to do to people and it had to be exposed as a war crime by Bush and Cheney.
Bill, I got your point. What we did was so disproportionate to what they did to us.
Things like what they did to our soldiers…
And like this...
And our people and cities...
Let me get this off my chest so we can move on.
What happened at Abu Ghraib could never EVER pay these bastards back for what they did. War crimes? Are you forgetting something here Bill and Diogenes? Are you telling me these un-uniformed combatants who hide behind their religious shrines, meet in public places and in the homes of innocents knowingly putting innocent women and children in harms way, attack our ships at sea (USS COLE) kill 238 marines in Lebanon and destroy The World Trade Center, ½ the Pentagon and crash a jet into a Pennsylvania field should get respect and never feel any pain for what they did?
You are sicker than they are. You promote their world and ignite discord here in the U.S. and I think you need to treated like they treated Daniel Pearl.
There may be people like this Bill and Diogenes who drop f-bombs and curse words to make their point.
I don’t need to.
They would say I am wrong in some strange and skewed way.
They would call what I have said here fantasy.